Semester :

NDG Linux Essentials / NDG Základy Linuxu

Obsahová náplň


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In English:

Learn the fundamentals of the Linux operating system and command line and basic open source concepts.


NDG Linux Essentials is an introduction to Linux as an operating system, basic open source concepts, how Linux is used, and the basics of the Linux command line. A Linux virtual machine and step-by-step labs give you hands-on access to practice, explore, and try Linux command line concepts. You’ll build skills and knowledge by “doing” as you learn.

Languages: English

Rozsah štúdia*)

 Kurz je ponúkaný ako samoštúdium. Rozsah 70hodín.





Komu je kurz určený

Systémový administrátor, sieťový administrátor, správca linux systémov



Doplnkové informácie v Angl. jazyku

Career Pathways
Knowledge of Linux is an important differentiator for business and IT professionals interested in big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity, information systems, networking, programming, software development, and more.

Career pathways include: network engineer, software developer, and Linux administrator


 linux essentials



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