NetAcad novinky

ikona online teachingAs in-person classes move to online in record time, NetAcad instructor, Stephanie Harvey, discusses the differences and the importance of preparation and presenting the content in different ways.
course pathway posterWith the evolution of CCNA courses and other portfolio changes, we're pleased to share updated NetAcad Course Pathways Poster. Highlighting intersection points to help students navigate toward their goals. Print versions available on Marketing Toolkit.

Our world literally changed overnight and educators--like you--are doing an incredible job responding to the needs of your students.

Our portfolio has never been more relevant, and our platform, resources and simulation tools can enhance learning effectiveness. Per the Networking Academy Membership Guide, all courses can be delivered in person or remotely.

Hands-on experiences with physical equipment are an essential best practice; however, in these unprecedented times, we offer you ways to address the absence of physical equipment and continue on the path toward student mastery:

  1. Take advantage of WebEx and WebEx Teams to facilitate greater student engagement and student peer interactions 
  2. Leverage Packet Tracer, our simulation tool that provides visualization of networking environments
  3. Use a remote lab service such as NDG NETLAB+ that provides the fidelity of real equipment from anywhere in the world
  4. Utilize Networking Academy embedded videos and those you create to expose students to equipment and environments that reinforce course objectives
  5. And finally, make full use of LMS features and functions to manage class interactions, assignment submissions, and group interactions to keep the students engaged with you--and each other

Check out our new Learning Never Stops web page, which includes educator tips and resources for virtual teaching. Please visit often as these resources will continue to be updated regularly.

Thank you for your continued support as we work through these challenging times together!


V roku 2020 sa uskutoční už 15. ročník študentskej súťaže Networking Academy Games (NAG2020), už tradične organizovaný podpornými centrami ASC TUKE a CEELABS. Rada by som Vás teda touto cestou oboznámila s blížiacimi sa termínmi súťaže.

Národné kolo súťaže NAG 2020 sa bude konať dňa 2.4.2020 v priestoroch Technickej univerzity v Košiciach. Registrácia do národného kola bude spustená 1.3.2020. Dovoľujem si Vás touto cestou požiadať o ukončenie školských kôl súťaže a registráciu žiakov prostredníctvom registračného formulára na stránke najneskôr do 25.3.2020.

Všetky potrebné informácie k súťaži nájdete na stránke

Linux I & II 1.0 End-of-Life (EOL) will occur 31 July 2020. All new Linux I & II courses should open with version 2.0.
Linux II Version 2.0 (english) releases offering an updated user interface and content--in addition to stronger alignment with latest Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate (PDC) version 5.0.
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