NetAcad novinky

The latest version of Packet Tracer includes updated IOS for existing devices, supports new devices and protocols: CT2504 WLC, 3702 APs, MQTT protocol, and includes a number a bug fixes.  Use the latest version of Packet Tracer in your classroom - visit the Packet Tracer Resource Page.
Earning a Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching Certification is the best way for you to prepare for a successful career in networking. Which is a great reason all by itself. But there are lots more. So read on, and discover the many advantages of a CCNA Routing and Switching Certification—and the many reasons why you should earn one.
A message to the Networking Academy partners and instructors in celebration of the 20th anniversary. Learn more at:

date for the affected courses is 1 Jul 2017 and the last complete date is 30 Jun 2018. 

The four affected CCNA R&S courses are:

  •  Introduction to Networking (ITN)
  • Routing and Switching Essentials (RSE)
  • Scaling Networks (ScaN)
  • Connecting Networks (CN)

Dovoľte mi pozvať Vás na Arduino Day 2017, ktorý oraganizuje ASC TUKE  v spolupráci s katedrou počítačov a informatiky na Technickej univerzite v Košiciach. Toto podujatie sa uskutoční dňa 5. Apríla 2017 od 12:00 v Univerzitnej knižnici Technickej Univerzity v Košiciach.
Arduino Day je celosvetovou oslavou narodenín vývojovej dosky Arduino. V priebehu 24 hodín sa po celom svete organizujú rozličné akcie, na ktorých sa stretávajú ľudia zaujímajúci sa o Arduino.
Podujatie je určené pre kohokoľvek (učiteľov, lektorov, študentov, IT nadšencov, atď...), kto sa chce o Arduine naučiť niečo nové. Súčasťou programu je množstvo prednášok a workshopov, na ktorých sa môžete podľa vašich záujmov a preferencií zúčasniť.

Na toto podujatie Vás pozyvame vzhľadom na to, že oblasť rýchleho prototypovania prostredníctvom platformy Arduino do istej miery zasahuje aj do portfólia kurzov NetAcadu zameraných na IoT a môže predstavovať prínos pre rozvoj oblasti IoT aj v rámci Vašej akadémie.

Viac informácií o Arduino Day 2017 nájdete na stránke

Dear instructor/student,       

Are you ready for a new Cisco experience?

We would like to invite you and all your students to participate in Cybersecurity Webinar prepared and led by Cisco experts. Participate in a unique live event at Cisco! Use this chance to enhance your knowledge on the subject and learn how to keep your digital information safe!

In order to join the Webinar, please ENROLL to Introduction to Cybersecurity Course by clicking on the link below and filling the Sign up form available on this page:

Intro to Cyber Security English -

After enrolling to the course, you will find the link to register to the Webinar. 


Webinar details



Time (GMT+2)

English- Session 1

April, 11th


English- Session 2

April, 12th


English- Session 3

April, 13th


A CISCO certificate will be awarded to each of the participants!


For more instruction on how to register, please check this video :

Visit our Facebook page and SHARE links and information with your friends:

Ana Vujasin

Corporate Social Responsibility

Program Manager


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