NetAcad novinky

Please join us for a free Internet of Everything (IoE): Help Wanted webinar on 28 October at 10 a.m. Pacific Time (San Francisco, GMT-7). During this interactive session, you’ll learn how the IoE is transforming jobs of the future, and how these changes will influence job opportunities and salaries. 

Please note the end-of-life dates for the English versions of all courses in the CCNA Discovery and CCNA Exploration curricula, and for the three CCNA Routing and Switching transitional courses are approaching:

The Introduction to the Internet of Everything course is now available for instructors to teach in their classrooms. You can enroll students and teach Introduction to the Internet of Everything through the same process used for other NetAcad courses. 

All NetAcad students using the student version of Cisco Packet Tracer (PT) 6.1 should upgrade to PT 6.1.1 as soon as possible. Version 6.1.1 contains an important fix to a bug and helps ensure the correct scoring of Packet Tracer Skills Assessments (PTSAs) in the CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum. 

ccie-r-and-switch-cert-guideV týchto dňoch vyšiel v nakadateľstve CiscoPress nový titul zameraný na prípravu na najvyššiu priemyselnú certifikačnú skúšku zo sietí Cisco - CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert) s názvom 

CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1, 5th Edition 

Spoluautorom tohto titulu je náš kolega a inštruktor Peter Palúch. Peter je tak vôbec prvý autor v nakladateľstve odborných sieťových publikácií CiscoPress zo Slovenska, ktorý sa hneď na poprvé podieľal na takejto prestížnej odbornej publikácii. Je to super správa a Petrov vysoký úspech. Petrovi srdečne blahoželáme!

Please note that the English and translated language versions of the four CCNA Routing & Switching (R&S) courses that make up the recommended course sequence, Introduction to Networks, Routing and Switching Essentials, Scaling Networks, and Connecting Networks, are now available in version 5.02. The CCNA R&S 5.02 release has been automatically applied to all open courses in the Cisco NetSpace learning environment and is the only version of the courses now available.

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