
New Networking Academy Networking Essentials Self-paced Course

The newly enhanced Networking Essentials 2.0 English course just launched – now designed for self-paced study. Guide your students through the self-paced course or use it for a flipped classroom approach.  

This refreshed 70-hour course teaches students networking based on environments they may encounter in daily life, including small office and home office networking. It provides engaging videos in a self-paced learning environment using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation and interactive activities, while using their own home devices. ​ Networking Essentials is a great overview course for developers, data scientists, cybersecurity specialists, or other professionals looking to broaden networking knowledge, or it is an excellent launching point for students pursuing a variety of career pathways – from cybersecurity to software development to business and more

CybersecurityCyber threats affect our quality of life: impacting our digital trust to work, play, and shop securely online. With cybercrime damage predicted to hit $6 trillion and the pandemic intensifying the number of threats, our skills training couldn’t be timelier.
 CAB HD8 KIT lg 70672.1555349756Naša Cisco akadémia konečne získala 16 portové Cisco RAS riešenie na remote prístup k naším zariadeniam známe ako chobotnička, čim môžeme začať poskytovať vyučovanie aj na diaľku. Máme z toho radosť !

Just five months after the updated Cisco Certification program went live, NetAcad is releasing two more new certification-aligned courses by the end of July. To help students navigate their options, we introduce this new Guide.

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Rada by som Vám pripomenula termín výročnej konferencie programu sieťových akadémií v Slovenskej a Českej republike, ktorá sa bude konať dňa 19.6.2020 v čase 9:00 - 16:15. 

Dovoľte mi upriamiť Vašu pozornosť na niekoľko organizačných usmernení:

Konferencia sa bude konať online s využitím videokonferenčného systému Webex. Na pripojenie ku konferencii použite prosím nasledujúci link:  

Program konferencie nájdete na webovej stránke programu sieťových akadémií:

V prípade, že ste sa na konferenciu ešte nestihli zaregistrovať, môžete tak urobiť ešte dnes na adrese:

Tešíme sa na stretnutie s Vami. 

New interactive tool for students to become more familiar with the evolution of our course pathways.The tool also highlights intersection points between pathways--so students can better mark their path!

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