
With unprecedented demand for cybersecurity skills today, preparing learners for entry-level IT and cybersecurity job roles is more important than ever.

New! The Cybersecurity pathway on Skills for All from Cisco Networking Academy now aligns to the new entry-level IT Specialist Cybersecurity certification from Certiport, the leading provider of performance-based IT certification exams. The online learning pathway and certification prepare learners with the skills required for entry-level cybersecurity jobs such as Cybersecurity Technician, Junior Cybersecurity Analyst, and Tier 1 Help Desk Support.

Skills for All expands student pipeline to Instructor-led courses

Product/Community Leader Kristen Kruehl recently highlighted the strength of DevNet and NetAcad's collaboration. Currently, there are 4.6K instructors and 16K+ students taking the course. 
With zero unemployment in all sectors, Senior Product Leader, Swati Handa, eyes the trends that will drive another year in cybersecurity. What threats to watch and how job demand will continue.
Packet Tracer 8.1.0 offers tutored activities that each learner can adjust. Plus, a new 2 hour on-ramp course featuring latest user interface. 
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The new JavaScript Essentials 1 (JSE) course just released! This course is aligned to the JSE: Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification. The course is offered in partnership with the JavaScript Institute through OpenEDG.  

 JavaScript Essentials 1 (JSE) introduces the basics of programming using the JavaScript language, a popular language for creating interactive web and mobile apps. This course covers general computer programming concepts and techniques. Learners will practice designing, writing, and running their own programs. No prior programming knowledge is required. 

JavaScript Essentials 1 (JSE) can be accessed online at and is available self-paced and instructor-led. No special equipment or system requirements are needed. 


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DEVASC Learning BadgeNáš kolega Martin Kontšek úspešne prešiel tréningom na DevNet Associate a stal sa oficiálnym a prvým inštruktorom na našej akadémii. Blahoželáme!

In partnership with Cloud Security Alliance (CSA),  a new, online Cloud Security course is added to our portfolio. Designed to provide in-depth cloud computing knowledge in approximately 35 hours. Available in English.

New course aligns with the Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CSSK). Widely recognized as the standard of expertise for cloud security, it provides a vendor-neutral understanding of how to secure data in the cloud.

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