
Vážení študenti programu NetAcad,

ASC TUKE v spolupráci s ASC CEELABS a ALEF DISTRIBUTION pripravili aj tento rok  súťaž Networking Academy Games 2021. Súťaž je organizovaná pod hlavičkou projektu IT akadémie a pod záštitou Ministerstva školstva, vedy a výskumu. V prípade, že si študent FRI a máš záujem sa zapojiť a pokračovať v tradícií dobrých výsledkov našej fakulty v tejto súťaži, kontaktuj svojho učiteľa zo sieťových predmetov alebo vedúceho KIS. Ak si študent SŠ, zapoj sa tiež, výsledok do tretieho miesta ti umožní dostať sa na našu fakultu bez prijímacích skúšok.

Aj tento rok sa môžete rozhodnúť darovať našej katedre KIS na Fakulte riadenia a informatiky Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline 2% z asignačnej dane prostredníctvom občianskeho združenia ALUMNI FRI. Ak sa rozhodnete darovať finančné prostriedky z odvedenej dane za zdaňovacie obdobie 2020 prijímateľovi ALUMNI FRI, postup je uvedený v linkách.
Don't miss the race. Networking Academy provides the wheels and 3 students put their big dreams of a CCNA certification on the line. Who will complete theirs first?

Watch Race

Cisco Networking Academy reached 2.3M students globally in FY20! Learn more about our program accomplishments in the 2020 CSR Impact Report.

Click here

Žilinská univerzita pripravuje študentov do praxe cez atraktívny vzdelávací program  severoamerickej firmy, ktorá je v súčasnosti technologickým lídrom a garantuje obsah programu. Cisco akadémia (čítaj cisko) ponúka moderné metódy vyučovania. o ktorých sa Zuzana Rojíková rozprávala s docentom Pavlom Segečom z Fakulty riadenia a informatiky.

Celý rozhovor bude odvysielaný v stredu 16.12. medzi 11:00 – 13:00 Rádio Slovensko (čas záleží od vývoja situácie na Slovensku).

Join us for a Cisco Networking Academy virtual event!
DevnetThe network is facing its biggest transformation yet. As networks become programmable and software- defined, IT teams need professionals who can connect network engineering, software development and cybersecurity to create integrated, secure, and automated infrastructures to pave the way for new innovations. How can we prepare students for these jobs of tomorrow?
The Cisco Networking Academy and DevNet invites you to a special virtual Event addressing the new and exciting topic of the DevNet Associate Certification, Cisco Networking Academy offering and the demand for talent in the field of Infrastructure Automation.
The Agenda includes:
  • View on the Emerging Technologies
  • Talent demand in the Industry
  • Future of Networking & DevNet Certification
  • NetAcad offering – DevNet Associate course
  • ..and more
Cisco Networking Academy Provides
  • High-quality courses, learning tools, education platform and teaching resources-all licensed free of charge
  • Discounts on equipment and certification exams
  • Instructor training support communities, professional development
  • Online simulations, games, quizzes, and assessments
New Networking Academy Networking Essentials Self-paced Course

The newly enhanced Networking Essentials 2.0 English course just launched – now designed for self-paced study. Guide your students through the self-paced course or use it for a flipped classroom approach.  

This refreshed 70-hour course teaches students networking based on environments they may encounter in daily life, including small office and home office networking. It provides engaging videos in a self-paced learning environment using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation and interactive activities, while using their own home devices. ​ Networking Essentials is a great overview course for developers, data scientists, cybersecurity specialists, or other professionals looking to broaden networking knowledge, or it is an excellent launching point for students pursuing a variety of career pathways – from cybersecurity to software development to business and more

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