Official Netacad announcement


New certifications are here! On February 24, Cisco is enhancing the Cisco Certification program, including DevNet certifications, designed to prepare learners with the skills they need to unleash the full capabilities of the new network.

We encourage you to read these important updates related to Cybersecurity, CCNA, CCNP, and DevNet. Thank you for all that you do to support the successful transition to the new Cisco certifications.

Introducing the New CyberOps Associate Certification
As of February 24, 2020, the CCNA Cyber Ops certification is renamed to Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification to emphasize its focus on cybersecurity operations. In the coming months, Networking Academy will revise and rename the CCNA CyberOps course to CyberOps Associate, and this course will align to the Cisco CyberOps Associate certification. –- Read the full update

CCNA Security Update
As of February 24, the CCNA Security certification will no longer be available. Networking Academy will continue to offer the CCNA Security course focused on network security. In the coming months, the Networking Academy CCNA Security course will be revised and renamed to Network Security. – Read the full update

CCNA Update
Significant discount opportunity! The first 3,000 NetAcad Instructors or Instructor Trainers that complete CCNA 7.0 ENSA Instructor Training and meet discount qualification will be able to take the CCNA Certification for just $50. -- Read more

CCNP Update
Draft Scope & Sequence for CCNP Enterprise Core Networking (ENCOR) course and Equipment Lists for both CCNP courses are now available. –- See more

DevNet Update
Are you ready to evolve your software & app development skills to prepare for the next frontier of IT? Sign up today to learn more about @CiscoDevNet Certifications and stay tuned for an announcement from Networking Academy soon! Certification tests are available starting February 24, 2020.

Information and Resources
The New Courses & Certifications landing page remains your go-to resource for everything related to the new courses and certifications. Bookmark the page and check back for updates.

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