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No question about it. The highly engaging CCNA 7 curriculum is innovative in every way. Going beyond networking to include automation, virtualization and security. Plus, it features innovative design elements.
Hooray! The long-awaited moment is here. CCNA v7 is available. You can find all resources here--including helpful training scenarios that you can use to help students prepare for new certifications.

The latest version of Packet Tracer is here! Packet Tracer v7.3.0 is releasing in tandem with CCNAv7 to support the evolution toward the New Network, including more support for wireless and wide-area network (WAN) technologies.

Featuring two new devices, with Packet Tracer v7.3.0 you can now simulate the Cisco 4331 Integrated Services Router (ISR) with integrated WAN ports and the Cisco 3504 Wireless Controller (WLC), including centralized control, management, and troubleshooting for next-generation wireless networks. Packet Tracer v7.3.0 also features enhancements for accessibility and usability, support for new CLI commands, and more.

Considerations to upgrade
For CCNAv7, Packet Tracer 7.3.0 is the minimal version that supports CCNAv7.
For CCNAv6 (and older versions), stay with Packet Tracer v7.2.2.

Further Information

The new CCNAv7 courses are now available on in English. The three courses are:

  • CCNv7: Introduction to Networks
  • CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials
  • CCNAv7: Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation

Each course consists of approximately seventy hours of instruction material and together they replace the four existing CCNA version 6 courses. In addition to these courses a CCNAv7 Bridging course is also available to help students currently in CCNA courses prepare for the new certification exam.

This new curriculum is designed to help students gain the skills needed for the new network and the digital future. New topics include wireless, security and automation. In addition to the enhanced content, the new courses introduce significant improvements in the student user interface including a responsive design that can be used on any platform including mobile devices. Assessment integrity is improved as well as accessibility.

To help you understand the announced changes to the Cisco Certifications and these exciting new CCNAv7 courses, please review the following:

With the launch of the new CCNA 7 courses and the transition from four courses to three, names for the new courses were carefully considered. The first course, Introduction to Networks (ITN) will carry the same name as its predecessor because it continues to cover primarily the same information as ITN version 6 with refinements to the treatment of these topics. The second course will be called Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials v7.0 (SRWE). This name is based on the relative emphasis of topics and inclusion of wireless. Course three will be titled, Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation v7.0 (ENSA) and will include new topics on end-to-end security concepts and automation.

Official Availability Date

All three of the new CCNA courses and the bridging course will be available in English on December 10th. Translations will follow in the first half of 2020. As a reminder, the new courses align to the new CCNA certification exam which will become available in February 2020. For more details on the courses, please refer to the Scope and Sequence document available on the New Courses and Certification for 2020 Landing page.

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Vážená NetAcad komunita.

Letné prázdniny sa stávajú iba vzdialenou spomienkou a do školských lavíc zasadajú aj tento rok nové tváre, pre ktoré sa možno práve vy stanete mentorom, inšpiráciou a osobnosťou, na ktorú budú s úctou spomínať aj dlho po škole. 

Zatiaľ čo sme si všetci užívali letné lúče a dni relaxu pre načerpanie energie na nový školský rok, vo svete sieťového akademického programu NetAcad nastali veľké zmeny.

Najvýraznejšie a najpodstatnejšie zmeny nastali v Cisco certifikačnom programe, pričom sa jedná o najväčšie zmeny od samotného vzniku certifikačného programu. Na tieto zmeny reaguje samozrejme aj NetAcad, prechodom na CCNA vo verzii 7.0. 

CCNA 7.0 nie je iba kozmetickou úpravou

Za uplynulé desaťročie sme si azda všetci zvykli na malé - inkrementálne zmeny vzdelávacieho obsahu. Pri tejto aktualizácii je tomu však inak. Sme svedkami pribudnutia mnohých tém zo sveta bezpečnosti, wireless a virtualizácie za súčasnej  30% redukcie celkového vzdelávacieho obsahu. Táto redukcia je tak výrazná, že CCNA 7.0 bude obsahovať iba 3 semestre vzdelávania.

Sme presvedčení, že sa o všetkých novinkách a zmenách budete chcieť dozvedieť čo najviac. Hoci mnoho otázok zatiaľ ostáva nezodpovedaných, prichystali sme si pre Vás zoznam článkov a dôležitých odkazov, kde sa dočítate o všetkých doteraz zverejnených informáciách.

Základné informácie o zmenách v Cisco certifikáciách nájdete v našom článku na adrese

Dokument draft Scope&Sequence popisujúci rozdelenie tém do jednotlivých semestrov stiahnete kliknutím na nasledujúci link.

Množstvo ďalších informácií a odpovede na najčastejšie otázky je možné nájsť vo FAQ dokumente, na nasledujúcom odkaze.

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